It was Christmas time in 1992 when I first visited Russia and Ukraine. In America battles were raging over nativity scenes on government property. It was a startling realization to find that in Russia, the former Soviet Union, nativity scenes were going up all over the place and government schools were inviting Christian ministers to […]
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Author: Rick Shrader
Having Respect of Persons
In preaching through the second chapter of the book of James, we usually focus on faith and works in the second half of the chapter. However, the respect of persons which James deals with in the first nine verses is just as needful, and perhaps much more, in our own day. Faith and works is […]
Why Christians Vote
Good Christian publications abound at this time with good advice for believers during a national election time. It is generally (and rightly) believed that Christians in a free society should vote, speak their point of view, and even become involved in the political process where possible. None of these is wrong for the Christian living […]
The Christian and Carnality
John Flavel, a fifteenth century Puritan wrote, “Carnal men rejoice carnally and spiritual men rejoice spiritually.”1 The human nature seems to have the ability to sanctify itself, whether right or wrong. The Corinthians were especially good at it, even “glorying” in their toleration of sin (1 Cor. 5:6). Paul was hindered in writing to them, […]
New Testament Heralds
Perhaps the most seldom used title in the Bible for the minister is “Preacher.” Though the English word “Preacher” appears four times, one time (Rom. 10:14) is actually a verb, and another (2 Pet. 2:5) refers to Noah, an Old Testament character. So the title “Preacher,” referring to the New Testament minister is only used […]
The Kingdom of God in the Gospels
Few subjects have been of greater interest to me in my ministry as a pastor and teacher than that of the Kingdom of God. Coming out of high school and going to Bible College I knew nothing of its doctrinal significance. I must confess that I knew little more than that coming out of Bible […]
Can We Separate From Brethren?
Separation is a topic that will not go away. It will be discussed by believers until God separates us all from the world at the rapture. Since Baptists have been called Baptists, and along with several other independent groups, we have been dissenters. In London we visit Bunhill Fields, “the dissenter’s graveyard.” Here you find […]
The Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3
1. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2. that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled in spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ [the Lord] is at hand. […]
Brief History
Ministry Description Aletheia Baptist Ministries is a Baptist organization that is fundamental and conservative in its philosophy, local church in its emphasis, as well as premillennial and dispensational in its theology. ABM believes that the present trend among Baptist churches toward contemporary methodologies is a detriment to the gospel ministry and an affront to […]
The Christian Walk and Its Indefinite Na...
It would seem that a lot of controversy in the Christian life could be solved if God would have given us more specifics for Christian living in the New Testament. In many ways the Mosaic Law was easier and more convenient. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego may have struggled with (though it seems doubtful) the […]