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Christ & Culture Revisited

It has been over fifty years since H. Richard Niebuhr published his Christ & Culture.  Carson revisits Niebuhr’s original categories of Christians within culture and pronounces them lacking for today’s situation.  Niebuhr outlined six ways that Christians have looked at culture:  Christ against culture; the Christ of culture; Christ above culture; Christ and culture in […]

Transitioning: leading your church throu...

This book was written in 2000.  Dan Southerland has been the pastor of Flamingo Road Church in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida for over twenty years.  He also has been a facilitator for Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven ministry of changing churches from traditional to contemporary.  Warren writes the Forward and encourages all pastors to read the book […]

The Real Change

In the end times the apostasy of the age will creep into God’s church, sometimes in the form of blatant unbelief, but also in a coldness toward the things of God and a love for the things of the world.  While the world takes its downward spiral toward the coming judgment of God, the church […]

Church on the Rise

As a pastor I am always looking for good and accurate information about those things which are present dangers to the church.  Sometimes the truth is brought to light by contrasting it with error.  Pastor DeBruyn (Th.M., Dallas) has added valuable light to the already growing stack of books on the contemporary church.  The sub-title, […]

Those Vision Statements

Using the word “vision” these days is like Mother Hubbard’s dress, it covered everything and touched nothing.  But once a certain tool becomes popular, everyone has to have one.  In fact, these days if you don’t have a vision statement for what you are doing, you are surely a failure, a follower, or at best […]

What is Faith?

Machen wrote this defense of the fundamental faith of Christians in 1925, two years after his more famous Christianity and Liberalism.  If the old adage is true, “Read one older book for every two new books,” I would add “unless you read Machen.”  Then, you ought to read one of his for each modern book […]

The Dominance of Evangelicalism

I have been searching for a couple books by David Bebbington and this one happened to arrive in the mail first.  Bebbington is a Cambridge scholar who teaches in Scotland at the University of Stirling.  In this book he traces the rise of early evangelicalism in the UK and America during the rise of Liberalism […]

This Little Church Stayed Home

This is the sequel to Gary Gilley’s first book, This Little Church Went To Market.  I’ve met Gary and have observed that his heart and life are consistent with the words of these books.  This second book does three things:  It reviews postmodernism and shows its continuing influence on our lives; it presents a scriptural […]