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Redefinition Evangelism

The gospel partakes of what has been called the “scandal of particularity.”  This particularity is sometimes embarrassing to Christians who want to be sophisticated and tolerant, but the specificity is essential to the gospel.  Christianity is not a vague cosmic optimism, a utopian vision of everyone loving one another, a formula for success and happiness, […]

Things Indifferent

For the church, wherever she appears in human society, the constantly recurring question must be: What shall we unite with and from what shall we separate?  The question of coexistence does not enter here, but the question of union and fellowship does.  The wheat grows in the same field with the tares, but shall the […]

The Awesome Power of Shared Beliefs

Wagner is Vice President of Ministry Advancement for Promise Keepers.  This book is one of many on the market now that promotes the PK movement.  I am not a PK participant nor advocate. This book and my growing file on PK remind me that I am closer to writing a longer article expressing my conviction […]

Protestants and Catholics: Do They Now A...

This is another book about ECT which I found very helpful and informative.  It is forwarded by John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul and D. James Kennedy.  It is a longer treatment of more than 300 pages including six appendixes.  You also get the ECT document reproduced as the last appendix. Ankerberg is well known for his […]

A View of Rome

During this time of the Evangelicals And Catholics Together (ECT) accord, I think it is important to be able to put good information into people’s hands.  This is an easy read of fewer than 150 pages but gives precise and usable information on understanding the Catholic church and seeing the issues of salvation.  Armstrong gives […]

Evangelicals & Catholics Together Toward

This is a collection of articles written by Colson, Neuhaus, George Weigel, Mark A. Noll, Avery Dulles, and J.I. Packer defending their support of the ECT statement. Also, they attempt to answer the criticisms leveled by R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur and others who have declared that ECT invalidates the reformation theological position of sola fida […]

Reckless Faith

This is another timely book by MacArthur. As usual, it is well written and documented. He is critical of the consumer mentality within Christianity and of the lack of discernment among its leadership. He even uses the term ‘‘fundamentalist’’ in a positive light and compliments its founders as men of discernment. This volume is timely  […]