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Loving The Unlovely

I suspect that many of us, in our quest after holiness, have imagined that being filled with the love of God would flood our consciousness with a kind of contemplative rapture, or a sense of infinite satisfaction.  That is why many have developed a ‘holiness’ turned inward instead of outward; mystical instead of practical; self-centered […]

Willing to Believe

This 1997 book by Sproul is a Calvinistic answer to Clark Pinnock, editor of a 1989 volume, The Grace of God, The Will of Man, a case for Arminianism.  Sproul points out that though both sides give assent to the freedom of man to choose, the underlying issue is whether prevenient grace from God enables […]

The Cost of Discipleship

After hearing this book quoted regarding “cheap grace” so often (even by Swindoll on Grace) I decided I wanted to read it cover to cover and see for myself (I used it in this month’s article).  I would say that more people who quote it should read it.  I enjoyed its unique context and viewpoint […]

Reading Dogged Issues During Dogged Days

The habit of reading is absolutely critical today, particularly for Christians.  As television turns our society into an increasingly image-dominated culture, Christians must continue to be people of the Word.  When we read, we cultivate a sustained attention span, an active imagination, a capacity for logical analysis and critical thinking, and a rich inner life.  […]

Grace Awakening

Reading Dogged Issues During Dogged Days   From The August 1997 Issue of Aletheia. The habit of reading is absolutely critical today, particularly for Christians.  As television turns our society into an increasingly image-dominated culture, Christians must continue to be people of the Word.  When we read, we cultivate a sustained attention span, an active […]

Are Fundamentalists Legalists? A Reply t...

Reading Dogged Issues During Dogged Days   From The August 1997 Issue of Aletheia. The habit of reading is absolutely critical today, particularly for Christians.  As television turns our society into an increasingly image-dominated culture, Christians must continue to be people of the Word.  When we read, we cultivate a sustained attention span, an active imagination, a […]

The Grace of God and the Will of Man

This is a series of fifteen treatise’, written in 1989, by different authors from an Arminian point of view.  Pinnock is well known for his views on Hell and a few of the others such as William L. Craig and Richard Rice are well known for their writings on man’s free will. Though I cannot […]

His Deeper Work In Us

This is the second in a trilogy of books by Baxter that I am reading this year.  As I wrote in the first review (Feb.), I find Baxter an interesting middle ground on Holiness teaching.  He does believe that a Christian should come to a crisis experience in life but he does not believe in […]

Putting Amazing Back Into Grace

I have always enjoyed Michael Horton’s writing. He has been one of those voices for conservatism in the nineties which is desperately needed. I have picked up hints of his Calvinism in earlier books but it was not until this one that I could read his full explanation. I reviewed this book more thoroughly in […]

The New Chosen People: A Corporate View ...

How does a person become one of the elect? Is it by a Divine choice of individuals or a human choice responding to a Divine invitation? Klein (chairman, NT department, Denver Seminary) sees two kinds of election in scripture. One is corporate wherein God elects a corporate body. There have been two such corporate elections: […]