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God, Creation and Providence in the Thou...

These kinds of books take a great deal of patience to read through.  However, today’s debates over the nature of God’s foreknowledge demand that we make honest effort at understanding  men like Arminius.  He, no doubt, was a thoughtful theologian with a desire to retain the sovereignty of God and the free will of man […]

The Case for Faith

After having thoroughly enjoyed Stobel’s first book, The Case For Christ,  I was eager to tackle this second one.  These are apologetically laced with arguments for the validity of the Biblical record.  I enjoy the interview style with some great American thinkers.  The disappointment in the book is the interview with J.P. Moreland in which […]

The Case For Christ

Strobel has a Master of Studies in Law degree from Yale Law School and has been a journalist with the Chicago Tribune and other papers. He became a Christian by pursuing the evidence for Christianity in the same way he pursued cases as a journalist. This book takes you on that journey as he interviews […]

Willing to Believe

This 1997 book by Sproul is a Calvinistic answer to Clark Pinnock, editor of a 1989 volume, The Grace of God, The Will of Man, a case for Arminianism.  Sproul points out that though both sides give assent to the freedom of man to choose, the underlying issue is whether prevenient grace from God enables […]

Luther’s Theology of the Cross

The title of this book would not have been inviting to me except for a desire to understand the biblical concept of being crucified with Christ.  Whether or not one is a fan of Lutheran or Reformation theology, understanding the personal struggle of this Augustinian monk from works to grace is uplifting.   The author notes, […]

Trusting In Trust

In exalting faith, we are not immediately putting ourselves in contradiction to modern thought.  Indeed faith is being exalted very high by men of the most modern type.  But what kind of faith?  There emerges the difference of opinion. Faith is being exalted so high today that men are being satisfied with any kind of […]

True Evangelism

In connection with this month’s article on real and false faith, I reread this 1919 classic by Chafer.  As with Machen’s book last month, if you didn’t know it, you would think this was written in the 90’s.  I knew that Chafer questioned early evangelistic methods in this book and in it spoke against false […]

Hitler’s Cross

I have long thought that the most interesting study of atheism in this century is that of German Fascism during the Nazi regime.  It is important because today’s atheism in America is repeating many of the same principles and yet, like Hitler, is calling everyone else, and primarily Christians,  fascists or bigots. Lutzer writes to […]